1 research outputs found

    Perubahan Kadar Kolesterol Total Dan Trigliserida Pada Kelinci New Zealand White Yang Diberi Ekstrak Beras Hitam (Oriza Sativa L.)

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    : High cholesterol levels in blood can lead to various diseases, including coronary heart disease. Black rice (Oryza sativa L.) contains more anthocyanin in layers of alueron than in white rice. Cardioprotective effect of rice has been emerged since several decades ago. This was a true experimental study with a pre-posttest control group design. Samples were New Zealand White male rabbits aged 3 months. Group 1 was fed standard meal; group 2 was fed with high-fat diet; group 3 was fed with high-fat diet plus black rice extract; and group 4 were fed with high-fat diet plus atorvastatin. Data were analyzed and presented descriptively. The results showed that total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the group fed with black rice extract decreased by 5 mg/dl and 4 mg/dl respectively. Decreased total cholesterol and triglyceride levels were also found in the group fed with standard meal and the group given atorvastatin. Meanwhile, the group fed with high-fat diet showed increased levels of total cholesterol and triglyceride high enough. Conclusion: There were decreased levels of total cholesterol and triglycerides in rabbits fed with black rice extract